Bethania Kids is a Christian mission working to bring hope and wholeness to orphaned, abandoned, disabled and destitute children in India.

Our Mission
Our Mission is to nurture and equip the children and women of India to change their world through Jesus’ love.
Bethania Kids defines nurturing as providing love, food, clothing, shelter, medical and dental care, and emotional support. Equipping means providing education and vocational training and the development of a vision of service to others. The message is simple: Jesus loves all children and cares deeply for them regardless of the circumstances of their birth. Through Jesus’ love, they will change their world.
This is Bethania Kids
Bethania Kids was founded in 1987 as a Christian ministry to provide a home for nine orphaned children in Kannavadi, Tamil Nadu, South India. Since then, Bethania Kids has grown to serve nearly 1000 impoverished children, women and families in 15 separate sites: four residential homes (2 for girls and 2 for boys) in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh; nine care centers providing day care and after school care in Tamil Nadu and tribal areas of Odisha; two centers for special needs children; and, six women’s empowerment programs, where women learn skills to enable them to support their families. The Bethania Kids staff in each home, care center, and program are committed to providing top-quality and individualized care for every person served while assuring them of God’s unconditional love for each of them.
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Make a difference in the lives of our children today!
There are countless ways to participate in this vibrant ministry and share God’s love with the children at Bethania Kids.