Located on the outskirts of Kodaikanal Township in the Palani Hills of South India, the Church of South India (CSI) After-School Care Centre is operated by Bethania Kids within the CSI system.

A Day at the CSI After-School Care Centre, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu
Since 2004 Bethania Kids has shared a close partnership with the Church of South India (CSI). Bethania Kids has been granted the free use of two rooms and a kitchen in the CSI Middle School to operate the after-school program. The 50 young children in the CSI After-School Care Centre are from the nearby community, including children who attended the Bethania Kids early childhood program at Mahanaim Care Centre. We also work with the CSI Centre helping children with special needs to mainstream into the nearby school.
The CSI After-School Care Centre staff provide physical, intellectual, emotional and spiritual support to the after-school care students. Every day the sessions open about 4 pm with prayer and finish by 6:30 pm. Upon arrival, the students are given delicious and nutritious snacks, which provide them the stamina they need to be focused and energetic.
The CSI Middle School students receive many benefits from this Bethania Kids program. Special and individual academic help is given to the needy children of the CSI School. Bethania Kids children do well academically and make a positive contribution to the school. Most of the graduating children of Mahanaim Care Centre are admitted to the CSI School.
Children enrolled in after-school care actively participate in the extra-curricular activities of the school. Once a week, Dency Michael from Bethania Foundation, India conducts spoken English classes to raise the level of conversational English since children with English skills typically get better jobs at graduation.
The bond with the CSI School is further strengthened as CSI School children attend picnics with other Bethania Kids care center children. Twice a year, retreats are held for all the after-school care children. Bethania Kids provides uniforms to these children and supplements their school supplies. Sweaters or school bags are provided to the neediest children.
The CSI Centre Serves the Community
Periodic parent meetings are held, and useful information such as the importance of education, health and hygiene and environmental issues are shared. Parents and teachers of the CSI School are also invited to the Bethania Kids Christmas celebration. They repeatedly express their deep appreciation for Bethania Kids. Bethania Kids serves the marginalized children of Packiapuram, Kodaikanal, and its neighborhood with a positive impact on their academic, social and spiritual development. The CSI After-School Care program is a good example of the community involvement of Bethania Kids. The productive collaboration between the Bethania Kids and the CSI Middle School aims to bring wholeness and hope to the poor children of Packiapuram, Kodaikanal, to change their world through Jesus’ love.
Meet the Headmaster, Mr. Remesh
As we collaborate so much with the CSI School and Centre, let us introduce you to Mr. Ramesh, the Headmaster of the CSI School. Mr. Ramesh was instrumental in helping to establish the CSI After-School Care Centre. Over the years, he has visited our care centers throughout Kodaikanal and participated in our celebrations and festival programs. The children of Bethania Kids are well cared for, and the teachers have a good rapport with the Mahanaim Care Centre. The CSI School is a good advocate for the services Bethania Kids provides to the community. Mr. Ramesh also serves on the Home Management Committee of the District Child Protection Unit. Mr. Ramesh has helped us support the Bethania Kids children through help in providing tuition assistance, books, space for programs and other services. We appreciate his assistance.
An Alumnus Success Story
Dhanapandi studied in our CSI After-School Care Centre from 4th grade to 8th grade. His two brothers also studied in our center. He comes from a very poor farming family. Now he is working as a Police Inspector at Nilakottai. He has a heart for service, and he helps our after-school care teacher, Deenal, who undergoes dialysis twice a week.
CSI After-School Care Centre Staff
The primary teachers at the CSI Centre are Jayadeepa and Deenal. Deenal’s name means “embodiment of humility,” and Jayadeepa’s name means “glorious light,” both of which seem most appropriate. Jeyarani is also a teacher and works with the older children.

History of the CSI After-School Care Centre
The CSI After-School Care Centre was started in June 2004 on the premises of the CSI Middle School in Packiapuram, outside of Kodaikanal. A Memorandum of Understanding was signed outlining the agreement. Originally, the name was “Bethesda Tuition Centre,” and the Unit leader, the late Mr. Kumar, and Bethania Kids founder Bob Granner were instrumental in opening this center. At that time, a local organization called BACKUP was the operating group for this and other programs until 2007 when Bethania Foundation India was started. At that time, the center became known as the CSI After-School Care Centre.
How Can You Help?
- Make a gift to support children like those at CSI After-School Care Centre. $35/month or $420/year provides for the needs of one child.
- CSI After-School Care Centre children, parents and staff pray for your generosity and pray you find peace in the love of Christ. Please pray for the children, parents and staff.
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