A message from Bethania Foundation India’s CEO, Dr. James Gnanakan
Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the Bethania Kids website! We hope your time spent here will make you aware of our programs and projects, as well as the social, economic, cultural, and geographical conditions of each area. Most importantly, this website will give you vital information about the children of God who are made under-privileged by the society they live in but are lovingly cared for by the Bethania Foundation.
This website is not just meant to share the children’s stories; it is a living witness to the bond of love that Christ has accomplished in our time. At one end are the donors (or good Samaritans) in North America who extend Christ’s love. At the other end are the poor and needy children of India whose lives are being transformed as a result of that expression of love. As you read the stories of children whose lives have been changed, we want you to know we are praying for you. We pray that this website will enrich your awareness of the conditions of these poverty-stricken children in India and that this will result in your prayers for their transformation. We also pray that the Lord will strengthen you and bless you each day and mold you into His instrument to share Christ’s love.
We welcome you to visit India and the children of the Bethania Homes so you can know first-hand the realities that exist for these children. In the meantime, we hope this website will give you a fair description of the lives that have been changed through Christ’s love.
Let me conclude with a stanza from an old hymn:
“Have you had a kindness shown? Pass it on!
‘Twas not given for thee alone: Pass it on!
Let it travel down the years, Let it wipe another’s tears,
Till in heaven the deed appears – Pass it on!
As the Lord says, ‘So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.’ Isaiah 55:11
May this website succeed in accomplishing the purpose for which it is sent.
May God bless you richly,
Dr. P. James Gnanakan
CEO and Executive Secretary
The Bethania Foundation, India
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