During Jesus’ ministry here on earth, he reached out especially to those with physical and mental challenges, valuing their lives as children of God. Bethania Kids has taken to heart Jesus’ direction to care for those children and young adults with special needs through a community services program and a rehabilitation center, giving them purpose in their lives and value in their communities.

Serving Those with Special Needs
The children and young adults who are served by the Poombarai Community Services Program or the CSI Rehabilitation & Training Centre live with a variety of differing abilities, such as cerebral palsy, deafness, mental challenges and others. They are often ignored or ostracized within their families and communities. The Bethania Kids staff are kind and gentle teachers, offering very real examples of God’s love for each child and teaching them to be independent and productive members of the community. We give thanks daily for both our staff and those they serve.

Poombarai Community Services
The community services program for the disabled in Poombarai reaches into the community to help special needs children and young adults who otherwise would likely be abandoned or ignored.
Living a Life of Independence
Located in a remote area of the Palani Hills near Kodaikanal, Poombarai is primarily an agricultural and farming community. Resources are limited, and subsistence farming or casual day labor are the major sources of employment. Cultural beliefs are most often based on superstition, so a child with physical and/or mental disabilities is frequently considered a curse and not worthy of care. The community services program has served to challenge and disprove these beliefs as these precious children are taught they are children of God, worthy of love, respect and dignity.
The staff teach these children to care for themselves, live a life of confidence and independence and become valued members of their families and community. They also assist families in navigating the process to apply for helpful government programs. As the children and young adults gain independence and are able to actively help support their families and community, they become living proof of the strength and power of Jesus’ steadfast love.
CSI Rehabilitation & Training Centre
The CSI Centre in Kodaikanal was initially founded for children and young adults with physical and mental disabilities, using the model of Jesus showing special compassion for the disabled.
A New Dignity and Purpose in Life
The loving and compassionate staff at the CSI Centre has given these previously neglected and devalued people a new-found dignity and purpose in life, thereby giving them hope for the future. Children with cerebral palsy as well as those who are deaf and mentally challenged are educated by kind and patient teachers.

Make a difference in the lives of our children today!
There are countless ways to participate in this vibrant ministry and share God’s love with the children at Bethania Kids.