The new Shalom Home for Girls in Batlagundu, a spacious modern facility, became a reality in January 2022. After years in cramped quarters in rented facilities, the girls and staff are thrilled to truly have a place of their own!

A Visit to Shalom Home – Batlagundu, Tamil Nadu
If you were to visit Shalom Home, you would drive northwest from the city of Madurai toward the Palni Hills, through the village of Batlagundu, and eventually arrive at a pristine new home situated on over 3 acres of land. The property itself is enclosed with a 7-foot-tall stone wall for security purposes. Once inside the gates, the girls will likely be waiting on the veranda, eager to greet you! The building itself is about 14,000 square feet, spread over 2 floors, and can accommodate 48 girls. The girls enjoy comfortable sleeping rooms as well as a separate dining room, study hall, music and arts studio, computer lab, sewing room, and library. On the property, there is a playground, and mango, guava, pomegranate, jack fruit and other trees are being planted.
The girls at Shalom Home are there because they had no one to care for them. Some are orphans, some are semi-orphans and others came from dire family situations where poverty and trauma left them struggling to survive. Shalom Home is a refuge for them as they grow up, helping them to prepare for an eventual life on their own. The transition to the disciplined, structured life at Shalom Home is sometimes difficult but made easier by the support and encouragement from the other girls who have had similar experiences. With the loving care of the staff and the daily provision of nutritious meals, healthcare and hygienic living, these girls soon flourish.
Each morning, the girls ride the Bethania Kids bus to the local school. The girls take their school work seriously, but when asked what they enjoy the most, the answer is clearly “music and dancing”! When visitors from the US or Canada come, they are treated to elaborate and energetic performances of music and dance. The girls like to dress up for special occasions in garments stitched by local women, many from our own nearby Annapoorani Tailoring and Embroidery Centre.
Once the girls reach 18 years of age, they are required by Indian law to leave Shalom Home, after which Bethania Kids continues to help them with further education. Alumni girls, now out on their own, often return to visit and share their advice with the younger girls. They tell them to listen to the staff, who have their best interests at heart, study hard to take advantage of the opportunity for education, grow in love for Christ and each other, serve others, and give thanks. Most of the alumni now have their own families and good jobs. They are solid citizens of India with good value systems and a strong love for Christ.
The Shalom Home Staff
The current project-in-charge is Mrs. Pradeepa. Having grown up in a hostel herself, she is well aware of the needs of the girls in her care.

Meet a young woman from Shalom Home: Saleth Priya
Saleth Priya is a great example of the enormous difference you, our generous donors, have made in one young woman’s life. Just three years old when she first joined the Bethania Kids family, she came to Bethania Kids because her father was addicted to drugs and alcohol and physically abused her, her siblings and her mother. Her mother finally ran away from their home and is missing to this day. From a seemingly hopeless situation, Saleth Priya grew up in a healthy and safe environment at Shalom Home. She received loving care from the staff, a new family of sisters, and an excellent education. Most importantly, she was blessed with the knowledge of God’s love for her. How fitting that her favorite song is “Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart”!
In 2019, Saleth Priya married a God-fearing man, and they are now raising a family together. She is extremely grateful for the loving support she received from Bethania Kids.

The Town of Batlagundu in Tamil Nadu
Batlagundu is located on the Plains, about 40 miles from Kodaikanal. From there, one can enjoy beautiful views of the mountains to the west. Batlagundu is located near the town of Dindigul, a commercial and textile center. Agriculture also plays a major role in this area. One of the reasons for selecting Batlagundu as the location for the new Shalom Home is the quality of the schools and good access to water and hospital services.
History of Shalom Home
The Shalom Home was opened in 2006 to meet the needs of children affected by the tsunami on the eastern coast of India. The tsunami devastated the coastline and left thousands dead and countless orphaned children. Staff members of Bethania Foundation traveled to the coast and, working with Indian Government officials, rescued 50 children, bringing them back to Kodaikanal to
live. The Shalom and Bethel Homes were started in rented spaces at that time. Then, in accordance with new regulations of the District Child Protection Unit in 2015, Bethel Home was closed, and the boys moved to Dayavu Home, while the girls then at Dayavu Home moved to Shalom Home. The Shalom Home girls continued to live in less-than-ideal rented spaces until the completion of the new Shalom Home for Girls in Batlagundu in 2022.
How Can You Help?
- Make a gift to support children like those at Shalom Home. $50/month or $600/year provides for the needs of one child in a home.
- We know many of you pray for us as we readjust to life. We also pray for you, including prayers of thanksgiving to all of you for your generosity. We are happy to know you care for us. Thank you!
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