A message from Bethania Kids President, Ron Koepke
Dear friends of Bethania Kids,

As the child of Lutheran missionaries, I grew up in India and went to boarding school in Kodaikanal, where many of the Bethania Kids’ care centers and women’s empowerment programs now exist. My childhood as a missionary kid has made me more aware of income inequality throughout the world and motivates me to help when and where I can. It is a privilege to serve as the president of Bethania Kids and a joy to share with you the good news of God’s work in the lives of the children and women we minister to in India.
As you browse through our website, you will read of our ministry to children in our homes, daycare and after-school care centers and programs for children with special needs. Recognizing that mothers play a critical role in children’s lives, you will see that Bethania Kids also offers support to women facing intense poverty through our rapidly expanding women’s empowerment programs.
As you read about the lives of children and women touched by Jesus’ love and the compassionate care of his servants, would you join me in praising God for the good work he is doing? Would you also prayerfully consider a special gift to Bethania Kids to further this work? Every gift, large or small, allows us to reach more children and more women with the love of Christ and help them escape the cycle of poverty.
In His service,

Make a difference in the lives of our children today!
There are countless ways to participate in this vibrant ministry and share God’s love with the children at Bethania Kids.